It’s one of love, community, compassion, serendipity, and fulfilling a promise made to a very special high grade patient.

Meet Susan & Larry Sylvan

Susan and Larry Sylvan

Susan and Larry Sylvan were a happily married couple who absolutely adored one another. After over 35 years of marriage, one evening Larry complained of awful pain in his stomach. He was rushed to the hospital where they found endless tumors in his stomach — but they didn’t know exactly what they were looking at because Larry was a zebra. Fortunately, Larry and Susan found a high grade neuroendocrine carcinoma specialist who extended Larry’s life another nine months before his heartbreaking passing.

Larry’s last words:

“Please make sure no one ever goes through this alone.”

Meet Minkah & Toni, the duo who helped get this started

Toni and Minkah Plummer, Minkahz NETs Mission

Following Larry’s death, life wasn’t easy for Susan — and then she lost their beloved golden retriever.

Right around the same time, Susan met Toni and they instantly connected over a shared love for SEC football. Susan had started a Facebook support group for NEC patients and when the community learned she had lost her dog, they got in touch with Toni and organized a GoFundMe to surprise Susan with a golden retriever, which they named Minkah.

Fun fact: The Z in Minkahz is a nod to zebras, everywhere.

The day Minkah arrived in Atlanta

Minkah is our mascot and inspiration, providing love and support to Susan, Toni, and our entire high grade community.

Our mission

To fulfill Larry’s wish: make sure high grade neuroendocrine cancer patients aren’t alone.

Minkahz Nets Mission is committed to helping high grade neuroendocrine cancer patients and their caregivers and fund critical research and clinical trials in the hopes of finding a cure.